My name is James Y. Huang. I’m a third-year Ph.D. student at University of Southern California (USC) advised by Prof. Muhao Chen and Prof. Fred Morstatter. My research interest lies in natural language processing and machine learning, with a current focus on robustness and safety of large language models. Previously, I was a research intern at Amazon AWS AI and Tencent AI Lab.

Before Ph.D., I received my master’s degree from University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) where I worked with Prof. Kai-Wei Chang. I got my bachelor’s degree in Engineering Science from University of Toronto.


[Dec 2023] Our paper on learning compositional sentence representations won Outstanding Paper Award at EMNLP 2023!


Offset Unlearning for Large Language Models
James Y. Huang, Wenxuan Zhou, Fei Wang, Fred Morstatter, Sheng Zhang, Hoifung Poon, Muhao Chen
arXiv 2024

Contrastive Instruction Tuning
Tianyi Yan, Fei Wang, James Y. Huang, Wenxuan Zhou, Fan Yin, Aram Galstyan, Wenpeng Yin, Muhao Chen
arXiv 2024

DeAL: Decoding-time Alignment for Large Language Models
James Y. Huang*, Sailik Sengupta*, Daniele Bonadiman, Yi-an Lai, Arshit Gupta, Nikolaos Pappas, Saab Mansour, Katrin Kirchoff, Dan Roth
arXiv 2024

Bridging Continuous and Discrete Spaces: Interpretable Sentence Representation Learning via Compositional Operations
James Y. Huang, Wenlin Yao, Kaiqiang Song, Hongming Zhang, Muhao Chen, Dong Yu
EMNLP 2023 (Outstanding Paper Award)
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Robust Natural Language Understanding with Residual Attention Debiasing
Fei Wang*, James Y. Huang*, Tianyi Yan, Wenxuan Zhou, Muhao Chen
ACL-Findings 2023
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Parameter-Efficient Tuning with Special Token Adaptation
Xiaocong Yang, James Y. Huang, Wenxuan Zhou, Muhao Chen
EACL 2023
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Unified Semantic Typing with Meaningful Label Inference
James Y. Huang, Bangzheng Li, Jiashu Xu, Muhao Chen
NAACL 2022
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Disentangling Semantics and Syntax in Sentence Embeddings with Pre-trained Language Models
James Y. Huang, Kuan-Hao Huang, Kai-Wei Chang
NAACL 2021
[pdf] [code]

Robotic Immobilization of Motile Sperm
Zhuoran Zhang, Changsheng Dai, James Huang, Xian Wang, Jun Liu, Junyan Zhang, Sergey Moskovtsev, Clifford Librach, Keith Jarvi, Yu Sun
ICRA 2018

Automated Non-Invasive Measurement of Sperm Motility and Morphology Parameters
Changsheng Dai, Zhuoran Zhang, James Huang, Xian Wang, Wenlong Meng, Junyan Zhang, Sergey Moskovtsev, Clifford Librach, Keith Jarvi, Yu Sun
ICRA 2018